SAIS Committees
These committees are supported by S.A.I.S. through 7th Tradition contributions by groups .

The Accessibilities Committee explores, develops, and offers resources to alcoholics with significant barriers to receiving the Alcoholics Anonymous message and to participating in our program of recovery.
Accessibilities will be meeting at 2 pm on the 4th Sunday of the month at St. Francis Episcopal Church.
Chairperson: John C.

The Communications Committee works to maximize the shared information among districts and groups in the San Antonio area through facilitation of a newsletter, website, and language translation equipment. Our goal is to establish, maintain, and improve communication and collaboration of service opportunities between groups, districts, and Area 68.
Chairperson: Casey G.
Grapevine/ LaVina

The Grapevine La Vina committee works to increase awareness and education of the meeting in print.
This committee meets virtually through Zoom on the 4th Sunday of the month, 2:15pm. If interested in serving please send your information to:
Chairperson: Valerie H.
Corrections Facilities

The Correctional Facilities Committee coordinates the work of individual AA members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics behind the walls, providing sponsorship by mail, and acting as first contacts to integrate inmates upon release into the larger AA community.
CFC meets every other month (odd months) at 12:15 pm at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 4242 Bluemel Drive, SA, TX 78240. For Zoom link information, email: or Zoom link information, Anne Adkins

PI/CPC stands for Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community. This committee is responsible for informing the public and educating professionals about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and alcoholism.
PI/CPC committee meets monthly via zoom on the fourth Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm. For more information, e-mail
Looking for volunteers to either present or speak at ongoing recovery center events. These are not meetings but an introduction to AA for those who may be suffering from alcoholism. Presenters are required to attend a couple of meetings to understand the format before presenting. Speakers are needed to share about 10 minutes of their experience, strength, and hope. There are both Zoom and in-person opportunities. Please click the links below to sign up:"
Lifetime Recovery - Zoom:
Treatment Facilities

The Treatment Facilities Committee coordinates the work of individual AA members and groups who are interested in carrying our message to alcoholics in settings engaged in alcoholism treatment and other institutions where individuals may have limited access to the message of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
TFC meets on the Third Sunday of even month VIA Zoom:
Zoom ID: 869 3244 1069
Passcode: 762160
For more information contact Becky R. at or 806-922-6586.

We are the Archives Committee (for San Antonio and the surrounding areas)
We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 6pm at Club 12. We also offer zoom.
Chair: Christy J.
The mission of the San Antonio A.A. Archives and Archivist is to collect and permanently document the work of Alcoholics Anonymous in the San Antonio Metropolitan area and the A.A. districts it serves. Archives are accessible to A.A. members and other researchers. The committee and Archivist will cooperate with and support other A.A. archives and archivists working within A.A.’s service structure and the 12 traditions.